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सब वर्ग

selfie stick r1

Hey kids! Here is the Selfie Stick R1 smart selfie stick from JIANGPAI. Ever needed a selfie but your arms are simply too short? The Selfie Stick R1 is your crash course here. It is a toy that allows you to experiment with how you visualize Limerene in photo form. Now, come on lets get into all the features you can really enjoy with it.

Use Selfie Stick R1 to capture images of really far things. We are at the park with your family. You instantly notice a beautiful bird perched in a tall tree. The Selfie Stick R1 lets you stay at a safe distance and still snap a great photo of that bird, so you do not need to try getting too close and possibly ruining your shot by spooking the subject. The stick extends to a full 27 inches! This allows you to capture photos from different heights and angles, adding some real character to your snaps.

Capture Life's Moments with the Selfie Stick R1

Life has so many special moments which you would love to capture, and here Selfie Stick R1 comes into the play. Example: You are at your birthday party with friends having a great time. You may want to have a group photo of everyone, however it can be tough to get everyone in one photo with some friends. However, the Selfie Stick R1 allows you to snap a wide photo without leaving anyone out of the frame. Or some day you are on a hike and the sun is setting in such an amazing way. And taking a sunset photo with the Selfie Stick R1 is as simple as getting your selfie in the picture too. That way, you have a memory of both the lovely scenery and your good time!

Why choose JIANGPAI selfie stick r1?

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